You are given two strings a and b. You have to remove the minimum possible number of consecutive (standing one after another) characters from string b in such a way that it becomes a subsequence of string a. It can happen that you will not need to remove any characters at all, or maybe you will have to remove all of the characters from b and make it empty.
Subsequence of string s is any such string that can be obtained by erasing zero or more characters (not necessarily consecutive) from string s.
The first line contains string a, and the second line — string b. Both of these strings are nonempty and consist of lowercase letters of English alphabet. The length of each string is no bigger than 10^5 characters.
On the first line output a subsequence of string a, obtained from b by erasing the minimum number of consecutive characters.
If the answer consists of zero characters, output «-» (a minus sign).
Input hi bob
Input abca accepted
Output ac
Input abacaba abcdcba
Output abcba
In the first example strings a and b don't share any symbols, so the longest string that you can get is empty.
In the second example ac is a subsequence of a, and at the same time you can obtain it by erasing consecutive symbols cepted from string b.