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Points: 3
Time limit: 30.0s
Memory limit: 250M

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A big company decided to launch a new series of rectangular displays, and decided that the display must have exactly n pixels.

Your task is to determine the size of the rectangular display — the number of lines (rows) of pixels a and the number of columns of pixels b, so that:

there are exactly n pixels on the display; the number of rows does not exceed the number of columns, it means a ≤ b; the difference b - a is as small as possible.


The first line contains the positive integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 10^6) — the number of pixels display should have.


Print two integers — the number of rows and columns on the display.


Input 8

Output 2 4

Input 64

Output 8 8

Input 5

Output 1 5

Input 999999

Output 999 1001


In the first example the minimum possible difference equals 2, so on the display should be 2 rows of 4 pixels.

In the second example the minimum possible difference equals 0, so on the display should be 8 rows of 8 pixels.

In the third example the minimum possible difference equals 4, so on the display should be 1 row of 5 pixels.


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